5e Conférence international de Montréal sur le raisonnement clinique – Conférenciers vedettes – Patricia Benner

13 septembre 2022

Patricia Benner est Dean’s Scholar, University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Nursing et Professeur émérite, University of California School of Nursing. Elle est une éducatrice de renommée internationale en sciences infirmières et l’autrice du livre : From Novice to Expert : Excellence and Power in Nursing Practice, qui a été traduit en douze langues. Elle a dirigé plus de 50 thèses de doctorat et elle a été la première à utiliser la phénoménologie interprétative en sciences infirmiers.  Pre Benner a dirigé l’étude nationale sur l’éducation en sciences infirmières The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Educating Nurses : A Call for Radical Transformation, la première étude de ce type en quarante ans. En outre, elle a collaboré aux études sur la préparation à la profession en ecclésiastique, en ingénierie, en droit et en médecine (The Carnegie Preparation for the Professions). Pre Benner est désignée comme une légende vivante de l’American Academy of Nursing. Elle a été élue membre honoraire du Royal College of Nursing et de la Danish Society for Nurses. Son travail exerce une influence au-delà des sciences infirmières, notamment dans les domaines de la pratique clinique et de l’éthique clinique. Elle a reçu trois doctorats honorifiques. Elle est la première autrice de l’ouvrage : Expertise in Nursing Practice : Caring, Ethics and Clinical Judgment (2010) avec Christine Tanner et Catherine Chesla, et elle a coécrit douze autres ouvrages remarquables, dont la 2e édition de Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care : A Thinking-In-Action Approach, avec Pat Hooper-Kyriakidis et Daphne Stannard. Enfin, elle est fondatrice et directrice exécutive de EducatingNurses.com et cofondatrice de novicetoexpert.org, une simulation en ligne qui enseigne le raisonnement clinique à partir de cas cliniques authentiques.

Dr. Benner is Dean’s Scholar at University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Nursing and a professor emerita at the University of California School of Nursing. She is a noted nursing educator and author of From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Nursing Practice, which has been translated into twelve languages. She has directed over 50 doctoral dissertations. She pioneered the use of Interpretive Phenomenology in Nursing.  She directed The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching National Nursing Education Study, Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation  which is the first such study in forty years. Additionally, she collaborated with the Carnegie Preparation for the Professions studies of clergy, engineering, law, and medicine. Dr. Benner is designated as a Living Legend of the American Academy of Nursing. She was elected an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Nursing and Danish Society for Nurses. Her work has influence beyond nursing in the areas of clinical practice and clinical ethics. She has received three honorary doctorates. She is the first author of Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring, Ethics and Clinical Judgment (2010) with Christine Tanner and Catherine Chesla, and she has coauthored twelve other notable books including a 2nd Edition of Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Acute and Critical Care: A Thinking-In-Action Approach, with Pat Hooper-Kyriakidis and Daphne Stannard. She is Founder and Executive Director of EducatingNurses.com and a Co-Founder of novicetoexpert.org, an online simulation that teaches clinical reasoning using authentic clinical cases.

5e Conférence internationale de Montréal sur le raisonnement clinique / 5th Montreal International Conference on Clinical Reasoning

3 et 4 novembre 2022 / November 3rd and 4th, 2022

#CPASS #CIFI #clinicalreasoning